Mr Ramlal Bomjon accomplices


by This website | Feb 09, 2016


While Ram Bomjon keeps making new victims, make sure you don’t become his next one. Use your intelligence, your common sense, your logic and your heart before falling prey to someone else’s delusions.


Mr Ramlal Bomjon accomplices

Key position holders involved in a meticulous cover up

How can seemingly educated westerners fall down to the level of accomplices of crimes against other innocent humans? These are people that you would have a coffee or chat with and would appear to be fairly rational, some of them might even be considered as fairly intelligent, at least in appearance. Of course all that rational and apparent intelligence blurs out as soon as you know what they have been involved in. Ram Bomjon carries out only some of the crimes himself. For the most part, he gives orders, and those are absolutely scrupulously executed. For the chaining and criminal detention of those now famously known two women, a European lady and a Nepali lady, it had been conducted with the active participation and assistance of quite a number of players. We will at a later date fully disclose all the details of those detentions. For the time being if you don’t know the story, check some of the earlier posts we made about it.

All the key stakeholders of that organization are involved at various degrees in this venture of ‘organized crime’. We call it ‘organized crime’ for it is pretty well organized, there is a very tight control on what information goes out and what doesn’t. From the American/Vietnamese born president, to the members of the committees, through to all the publicly known positions of ‘International director’, assistants, translators, Russian webmaster, the Taiwanese Mama marketing and publishing tycoon, every one of them assists directly or indirectly in the cover up. It is also a fairly good qualification of ‘organized crime’ as it is organized and criminal in nature. It is criminal to detain people and to torture them, it is criminal to beat people, it is criminal also to use children for hard labour. As soon as you know those are/were committed, when you send donations to this organization, you are yourself becoming an accomplice of the crimes your money is helping commit.

All you need is love and compassion but all Ram Bomjon needs from you is money and recognition of his illusory ‘authority’

In all this time, about 10 years now, big claims were made by Ram Bomjon. Actually we all fell in the trap. It was a young (it seemed innocent and genuine peasant boy from a tiny village in the Nepali south Jungle of Bara), a boy who left to meditate ‘for the benefit of all sentient beings’. Who on earth would even think either disturbing or troubling the fantastic accomplishment we were all lead to believe? The BBC wrote articles about him, it was on all the major international news networks. To make the story even more attractive a parallel was drawn between him and the historical Buddha. Millions of people flocked to meet him, to get blessed by him. And actually, right at the very beginning, there probably was this genuine goal and desire in that young boy then. Sadly with fame came trailing right behind it, greed, the greed of many around him. A multi-faceted greed, some were after money, some wanted to hold a unique role next the new ‘Buddha’, others wanted a ticket to a supersonic flight to enlightenment for themselves. Right from the start it was a very heterogeneous crowd, but right from the start the amazing flow of donations twisted the heads of many.

When did he start eating and drinking actually? Very quickly. Check the historical photos of him and you should be able to notice he was quickly gaining weight actually. Now he is a fatsy that doesn’t renounce on anything.

Too young, too early, too much pressure, the addictive taste of money and power, beyond corrupting the successive entourages of Ram Bomjon, it started also corrupting Ram Bomjon himself. At what point exactly did he loose it? At what point did he fall in the delusion about what he thinks is his ‘unquestionable authority’? That and many other questions might never find their answer. And in fact the answer is somewhat irrelevant in the face of all these crimes. One thing is sure, things started going wrong very very early on. Legends kept being fed to the public, no food no drink for 6 years! Bullshit! Sex, food and travels were on his program quite early, while for public consumption he is told to be meditating for the ‘benefit of all sentient beings’. But understand this well, without the legend, there is no faith in him, without the faith there is no donations, without donations and without the bunch of blind and fanatic devotees he has there is no ‘power or authority’ for him.

From the earliest moments of his started penance (tapasya), everyone around him treated him like a living god, above everyone, above the law, and they considered that whatever he does is ‘pure and enlightened’. However if anyone would question anything, his commando of censorship and propaganda would either retaliate or even one would be detained and tortured. If that wasn’t enough Ram would make sure the severity of the punishment was increased. From that encouraged, supported feeling of authority, through to a never achieved process towards enlightenment, Ram reached probably within the maze of his own mind only, and through the infinite power of self-delusion the belief he was IT. He encountered all these ‘beings’ in his own mind, generated by his mind, lost in the infinite space of the infinite possibilities our minds have to trick us, as it does to all of us. The difference though being none of us thinks we are a supreme ‘authority’ directly connected with a red line to ‘all the masters of the past’ (what a nice marketing trick also), and that we can do whatever we want down here, even all the way to harming other beings gravely.

Whichever the point at which he lost it, he seems to still not have realized he has lost it. Him and many even advanced meditators confuse ‘siddhis’ – ‘special powers achieved through meditation’ with true Nirvana or Enlightenment. And in the western culture many fall for gurus manifesting or materializing stones, or eggs, or whatever. They could be called simple ‘gurists’, tourists of gurus. They brag how they’ve seen with their own eyes miracles, they show off their imagined expertise. Essentially they swagger. That’s in fact the bottom line. Yet the consequence of that unawareness in conjunction with the active support of all the gloaters of different trades and specialties, gave rise to all the crimes and lies, and abuses, and scandals being done.

Furthermore, the crowd and their idol enhance and amplify each others’ delusion. That would be fine altogether if it was not for all the collateral victims along the way. Anyone can believe whatever he likes. The problem is not beliefs (although those very beliefs are also a factor in making those crimes possible), and this is not a post about the dangers of believing, the problem is about violence, crimes, and the victims that are left on the way, with sometimes lifelong consequences.

2012 and the Nepali and European ladies detentions is not the only ones we are referring to. Since, very sadly there has been many more. Some for which we cannot release the information just yet. Some for which you already have some of the details already revealed. And we are not talking about only one or two more case, but quite many more. All we can tell you so far without endangering some of his victims, is that once you have read these, you will no longer be able to say ‘I didn’t know’. And remember that the only reason for disclosing these actions is to make Ram Bomjon stop his violence and face the consequences of his orders and actions together with all of those that committed those crimes with him, Westerners and Nepalis alike. They cannot undo the harm they have done, but they still can stop making new victims, and they still can attempt to repair at least a part of the damage they have caused.


While there is no doubt that among his followers there are people with a genuine good heart and disposition towards ‘benefiting all sentient beings’, everyone should remember that in ‘all sentient beings’ there is the word ‘all’. All doesn’t mean everyone apart from this one or that one, ‘all’ does mean each and every single sentient being without any exceptions. The best way of benefiting every being, is to oppose all forms of violence, even when that violence comes from someone some people are considering to be a guide or a teacher.

We are opposing the violence, we are denouncing it, for the benefit of all, for the benefit of the victims, for the benefit of the believers in Ram Bomjon, for the benefit of Ram Bomjon himself, for the benefit also of those who participated in committing those crimes for Ram Bomjon, for the benefit of those who are still blinded by their faith, and for the benefit of those who know what’s been done and feel stuck and unable to do or say anything.

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